day 377

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's been a year and some change now. And I know the typical thing is to go to some meeting and get a chip and celebrate--but celebrations for me have always brought up that horrible panicky feeling that leads me back into using, so instead-I opted to spend time with friends and just relax...I focused on my and my own recovery-and staying healthy the best way I know how. I have to soothe the old wounds and learn to heal.
Self soothing is far different than self medicating and requires that I be present and aware--and that I care for myself by treating symptoms as soon as they arise--and be an advocate for myself--I can't be a victim anymore.

day 350

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Forgiveness...I always thought being sober was about people forgiving me for all my stuff
but I'm realizing more and more, it has more and more to do with me forgiving myself, and others for the reasons I started using to begin with.
I thought about it yesterday and realized that my anger and sadness could be a choice--I could choose to continue be hurt by the past, or start to forgive and let some of that just drop off my shoulders.
In a stupid ridiculous way, I've allowed the people to hurt me continuously for all these years by carrying them around with me--shouldering their anger and resentment like it was my cross to bear. Well folks, it's not. I am so over it.
They are not worth my time or effort.
The things that were done to me were horrible, yes, but I can't change them--and so, I can say--I'm sorry they did them--that sucks. And it's a shame that people like that chose to do those things and miss out on knowing me as I am, and participating in the positive things that I have to offer, because I will no longer have anything to do with them unless they decide to make full restitution. I have no place in my life for people who don't respect my boundaries. It's not hatred anymore, it's protection and self love. Not a self love that makes me an egomaniac, but a self love that respects my own preservation and maintanance. I'm looking after my own balance and well-being...something that should have been done for me years ago, but I'm going to do for me now because I deserve it.
We all do.

day 334

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

there is a significant difference between not drinking, and being sober.
I have realized that I am sober, and not just abstaining, because when I think about drinking, and watch people drink, I'm not angry, I'm uncomfortable.
I get anxious, not angry.
I don't lecture, I empathize.
This is SUCH a paradigm shift for me.
I quit drinking 9 years ago, to just see if I could, and I did. I was so bitter in the process, and made people around me miserable. I used to hand out advice like I was a self-help book...when I myself took none of it...
I told people to seek out meetings, having never gone myself.
I couldn't see past the log in my own eye to help people take the splinter in their own.
I'm not saying I can help anyone with any of that now...I'm FAR from helping anyone out...but at least now I'm not as huge a hypocrite as I was...I've been to a few meetings, and though it may not be my cup of tea for the long haul, I see it as a wonderfully useful tool in my sobriety and in helping others as well. I CAN'T make it alone...I'm powerless!
I require a team and a higher power to keep me in check or I'm totally going to get wrecked again...
Not that I am a wreck, but in a way, we all have the potential to make disasters of ourselves without love and guidance if left to our own devices.
I'm just glad that I reached out.

Day 319

Monday, April 5, 2010

Temptation is everywhere, but it's funny, sometimes when I try my hardest to hurt myself, I find that the most love is there.
Grace is no more evident than when there is absolute suffering, Just as there can be no light without darkness to allow us to comprehend the difference. I despise myself sometimes for my inability to grasp simple concepts like love and acceptance, but when I see it, feel it and realize I have just overlooked it, I can't help but feel ashamed and fall down and be grateful and thankful for grace that allows me to be foolish and childish, and accept love anyhow.

day 302

Friday, March 19, 2010

this is getting close to a year...
I turn 29 tomorrow, and you'd think that by now I'd have more of my life figured out.
People around me kind of humor me when I joke that I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up...I remember saying that to a woman in church once, 3 or 4 years ago, and she said to me, "Isn't it about time you found out--You're already a grown up!"
I might also mention, she was not joking when she said it.
I've carried that sentiment with me to this day...that while I remain in a sort-of adolescent limbo as I try to grow as an individual, I realize it's almost a luxury.
People in other cultures have to decide their chosen path at an even earlier age or one is forced upon them. Knowing how I had to mature in many other ways at such an early age, to fend for myself and be so responsible doesn't seem to help me reconcile my absence of direction.
So do I turn inward an admit defeat?
Or do I use this year as an opportunity to take Frosts' road less traveled?

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Day 251

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It will be 8 months since I've been sober on Thursday.
I should feel more...and I have these past few weeks...actually I have since the end of December.
Following Holidays I usually feel the bounce-back effect of the past...the things I can't control. The wave of emotion from the fear of things that MIGHT happen, and the disappointment of what has happened.
I'm a wreck from keeping up the front, and angry at not being protected. I get physically sick, mentally exhausted, spiritually drained, and emotionally spent.
I have learned how to put up boundaries around sensitive issues regarding my trauma...but sometimes things leak in...memories, poor timing, and passing conversation. I know I can't isolate myself, but the safety of a blanket and a kitten is always comforting :)
I've stepped out of myself, a huge leap---I got a sponsor and am starting at the beginning...I'll see how it goes...I can't promise results, but I can promise that I will try...each day to just be in the moment and be responsible for myself and my actions.